High Performance Milk Replacers For Replacement Heifers & Dairy Beef.
For over 40 years, we at NRV Inc. have been manufacturing high quality milk replacers and supplemental products for calves. We continue to be a proud member of the DCHA and PDPW keeping us close with the daily need of our nation?s calf raisers. NRV is part of the Serval family in manufacturing milk replacers and has the leading state of the art formulations leading to the highest quality calf nutrition and technologies today in the calf raising industry.
NRV is unique in many ways offering a fat encapsulated blend and an easy mix blend allowing every operation the formulation and calf nutrition options available. We prize on calf performance and the bottom line to get each calf to weaning efficiently and effectively without breaking your pocket. NRV is more than just a milk replacer manufacturing company! We want to be your partner to success, every calf we treat like our own!
Winter Feeding Myths
The Myth of Using High Fat Milk Replacers for Winter and Why More Powder is Truly Better than More Fat