Calf Care
Meet our Calf Care Specialists
Dennis Kohl
Dennis has been with NRV for 28 years, and has been raising calves at home for over 40 years, he started in veal and then moved to dairy beef and heifers. He has had training with Forester Technik auto feeders, these include the Lely, DeLaval, and GEA machines. Dennis services producers of all sizes in Wisconsin and Iowa. His experience with raising all types of calves, as well as kid goats makes him one of them most valuable resources to our younger team.
Chris Landwehr
Chris grew up on a veal farm, and after college purchased his own veal farm, then eventually the family farm too, giving Chris over 40 years of calf rearing experience. He has been a service man and calf specialist for the past 25 years for NRV, and has seen many changes and challenges. Living in the Green Bay Area, Chris services producers in the heart of America?s Dairy Land. Chris?s veal experience has certainly helped with the work he does with calves on the dairies, as many practices are the same. Chris has had Forester Technik Auto Feeder training, as well as training with calf barn ventilation systems.
Jim Shively
Jim has over 30 years? experience with feeding calves. Having grown up on a veal farm and now running NRV?s veal facility, he is a wealth of knowledge. Jim has many years of experience with confined feeding operations, giving him a great understanding of ventilation, as well as formal training with Forester Technik Auto Feeders. Jim services the majority of the Great Lakes region, as well as a diverse array of producers.
George Southworth
George joined NRV?s team in 2015, after 24 years as a dairyman and 7 years as a dairy nutritionist. George has a great understanding of how dairies operate and how to make changes that will positively affect their bottom line. George services many of the North Eastern States, spending the majority of his time in his home state of New York. George has also had training with Urban Auto Feeders.