
Heifer Replacement from NRV


For a great start in life.

Quality product for raising heifer replacement and dairy beef calves. Nutra-Melk can be a traditional all milk protein calf milk replacer or an Alternative protein blend milk replacer. All Nutra-Melk milk replacers are designed to be fed 12 ounces of powder per 2 quart feedings allowing calves to be fed up to 3-4 times per day!

Read more on Incredi-blend>>

Happy Calf

For a great start to life!

Quality product for raising heifer replacement and dairy beef calves. Happy Calf can be a traditional all milk protein calf milk replacer or an Alternative protein blend milk replacer. All Happy Calf milk replacers are designed to be fed 12 ounces of powder per 2 quart feedings allowing calves to be fed up to 3-4 times per day!

Read more on Happy Calf >>

Calf Max

For a great start in life.

A high protein calk meal replacer for the raising of replacement heifer calves. Well suited for computer feeding programs or manual mixing.

Calf Max is an all milk protein milk replacer specifically designed to enrich the calf raising experience. With its unique blend of milk proteins and energy source, you can expect your calves to reach their full genetic growth potential. Calf Max provides all the milk nutrients a calf requires prior to eaning to maximize tissue and bone growth while preparing the calf for future milk

The availability of clean fresh drinking water as part of the feeding program will encourage calf starter intake. Clean fresh water should be made available at all times during the milk replacer feeding period along with calf starter starting at 5 days of age in small quantities to ensure freshness.

Read more about Calf Max>>


A revolution in calf nutrition.

Quality product for raising heifer replacement and dairy beef calves.The Evolution Program begins with the Evolve line milk replacer and a balancer/extender which are paired with a special formulation of texturized feed to maximize performance. The Evolve products are a mixture of milk proteins, alternative proteins, plant extract, and fortified with Resynch (amino acid and derived antibodies). All of Evolve products are produced to grow calves quickly, healthy, and ready for the next stage in life! Evolve is designed to be fed 12 ounces of powder per 2 quart feedings allowing calves to be fed up to 3-4 times per day!

Read more on Evolution Nutrition >>





Whole/Waste Milk Balancer


NRV Balancer is a state of the art whole milk balancer/fortifier/extender designed to supplement the nutritional requirements of your baby calves. By adding NRV Balancer to your pasteurized whole/waste milk you ensure that your calves are getting all the nutrition required to promote
lean tissue growth and greater stature in calves. As a result, you provide a consistent final product to your future herd replacements.

Read More on the Nutritional Support >>
Read More on the Nutritional Gap >>


Rehydrate Calves FAST.

GEN III ORS is an oral rehydration solution for dehydrated/scoured calves

Young calves can not digest most starches or dextrose polymers, so the challenge was to find a polymer with a chain length long enough to reduce osmotic pressure and one that calves could digest.

Re-Hydration is a two-step process: 1) balance osmotic pressure; 2) absorb water. Most electrolytes actually ?pull? water from the blood into the intestine because most electrolytes have a very high osmotic pressure. In severely dehydrated calves, this is often fatal because water moves from the blood into the intestine to balance osmotic pressure before absorption can occur.

Gen-III ORS is made with a unique, low-osmotic pressure formula that actually ?pushes? water from the intestine into the blood within seconds! Once osmotic pressure is balanced, absorption continues to deliver vital fluids and electrolyte nutrients to the calf. Gen-III ORS has multiple sources of metabolize bases without sodium bicarbonate – which means you can continue to feed milk or milk replacer without concern of interference. Calves drink it fast!
Read more on Gen III ORS >>
Treating Scours for the 4 Ds Newsletter >>
Dehydration Grid >>


Calf Feed Supplement

Re-Synch is a combination of animal and egg proteins, providing both natural and targeted immune proteins to help protect the young calf. Contains fructooligosaccharides to improve digestion and inhibit pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella. It is formulated supplement to whole milk, waste milk
or milk replacer for veal, beef or dairy calves. It helps calves through the first few weeks of life.

Read more on Re-Synch >>